The Diary of Prayers with the Heart: A Novena Resource
The Prayer Diary by: The Rosary Hour Podcast
Souls with Splendour: Days 1-3 Prayers for Fr. Thad's 90-day novena for the sake of the Holy Souls
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Souls with Splendour: Days 1-3 Prayers for Fr. Thad's 90-day novena for the sake of the Holy Souls

Start this prayer today via his podcast programme on Sample rough prayers included in this post to guide you through Day 1.

Dear friends in Christ:

Please listen to the rough prayer outline, a raw cut which we hope will help those of who need someone else to pray with. We hope this little evolving post helps you to persevere in this prayer. We updated on the Feast of the Transfiguration the recording which now includes the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy.

You can manage the prayers each day and make your own recording with one other person!

Thank you for joining us on this prayer journey with Fr. Thad.


The First Day: the intention is listed on the card below.

One Hundred Requiem for the Souls in Purgatory

To pray, you need a normal Rosary with five decades. You will “go around” the 50 Rosarybeads twice to complete the 100 Requiem.

The name “Requiem” comes from the Latin prayer:

“requiem eternam dona eis, Domine”

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

To begin: Pray an

  • Our Father

  • Hail Mary,

  • Glory Be.

On the large bead (which would be the “Our Father”),

pray the following words (set up for 2 people

below for the public chorus style of prayer):

LEADER: Holy Souls, Suffering Souls, pray to God for us, as we intercede for you that He grant you the glory of Paradise.

RESPONSE: Eternal Father, I offer you the Blood, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ, the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin and of St. Joseph, for the remission of our sins, the freedom of the souls in Purgatory, and the conversion of sinners.

Then, pray a decade of Requiem

(on the small beads, which would

be the “Hail Mary”):

LEADER: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

RESPONSE: and fill their souls with splendor.

After completng the 10 decades, the 100 Requiem, pray Psalm 130:


Out of the depths I call to you, Lord; Lord, hear my cry!

May your ears be atentive

to my cry for mercy.

If you, Lord, keep account of sins,

Lord, who can stand?

But with you is forgiveness

and so you are re


I wait for the Lord,

my soul waits

and I hope for his word.

My soul looks for the Lord

more than sentinels for daybreak.

More than sentinels for daybreak,

let Israel hope in the Lord,

For with the Lord is mercy,

with him is plenteous redemption


video coming soon on Oct. 5 with Asher.

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JUMP TO DAYS 2 and 3

The Diary of Prayers with the Heart: A Novena Resource
The Prayer Diary by: The Rosary Hour Podcast
We'll try in this blog to help help others pray the Rosary. This Diary is the English DIARY OF PRAYER for [Still Under Construction for Season 3 of the Rosary Hour Podcast]